A Tour de Force and Values

The 24 hour weekend with non-stop action in art in action
Throughout preparation, performance and tour, the transitstation artist forms the centre of the work, both as a maker and as a participant in the project's social and intellectual discourse. The international context places the artists' creative work at the forefront of contemporary practice, and provides audiences with a platform from which to reflect on both the intent and the consequences of the creator's experience with the work.

The method attracts an attention span and the possibility to be in the 'now'. Glausnitzer-Smith says:

'It is the task to find a level of orientation for the unknowable in Mind and Action and to develop confidence for that which supersedes pre-conception.'

The concept becomes a 'live experience' between the participating artists, who in part share the same inter-active space with the viewer, au milieu the complexity of the scaffolding system.

At a transitstation event, the viewer enters a world in an art context, where the work exists at the intersection of artist and audience, performance and space. The journey is expressed by a scaffolding structure, designed to serve as an armature - or foil - for performers, audience, and ideas. As transitstation travels from country to country, the context changes, the station with the artists are in transit, but the scaffolding as a static system will always be there at the center.

transitstation asks several questions: Exactly where is the art?
Can the artwork itself be an event? Is the question of intent a matter of individual choice or a cultural directive? Is it possible that the question itself already unifies the understanding in the witnessing of different events? Is it ultimately the viewer who is conditioned to carry prejudices about, and therefore compares different approaches to language and image? Can the viewer be truly open to the experience of the moment, released from preconceived ideas by the power of performance?

Does it help to search for the art or even to find terminology, which distinguishes between the various disciplines?

